Friday, April 11, 2014

I'm a Sucker for a "Stucker".

   Well, I did it again. I've gone and purchased another "stucker". That's my pet word for a perfume bottle with a stopper that is wedged in tight as all get out!
   Now I don't ever look at myself  in the mirror and say "Hey, you're a real glutton for intense aggravation aren't you?" No, I do not do that.... but I might have to start. I prefer to call myself an optimist. You know, all that "hope springs eternal" sort of stuff. But guess I'll just have to admit that I have a small masochistic streak when it comes to vintage perfume bottles. And maybe a few other things.... but I digress.
   Just let me see or hear the words "glass stopper stuck" and my attention is THERE! Drawn in like a fly to a cow pile.  Hmmm, a more pleasant way to express that would be in order. Its as if a gauntlet has been thrown down right in front of me and I'm more than willing to scoop it up and attempt to meet the challenge and emerge victorious! (Well, that is if the price is right. I still have that pirate heart. hahaha)  
   Anyway, the initial posting said "unidentified perfume with stuck stopper". So they had me on two counts. The label was worn enough so the name of the fragrance couldn't easily be deciphered, but it clearly stated Guerlain. OH! BE STILL MY BEATING HEART!!!  I love a mystery and one from that renowned and hallowed House of fragrance was too good to NOT buy!  (Plus it was really, really cheap.)
   It was almost a disappointment when the seller contacted me and said she had figured out the name, Rue de la Paix. But hey, that meant I could start trying to research the notes, when it was created, how long it was produced, etc..  That way, when it arrives I can focus entirely on trying to open it!  chuckle    Will post updates on my efforts!
    The photo above is of the three bottles that have managed to resist my every attempt at opening them. They are such beauties. They have caused me so much apprehension, aggravation and just plain FEAR. hahahaha    Each is my little preciousssssss.   On the left is Camot Soir. I can find out nothing about this one. Not yet anyway!   In the center is an unidentified Chanel. Lovely isn't she? I can detect, very faintly, a beautifully sweet fragrance. On the right is Chypre by de Bertalot. c 1915 ? The front label fell off the first time I put it in the refrigerator in an attempt to open it. Have it tucked safely away. From what I can find out this bottle has an interesting bit in perfume history! All the more reason NOT to break it!!!
   So here I am. Waiting for that Guerlain to arrive. Waiting to see if it joins my three lovelies here... or if I get to enjoy that fragrance from the Past. I remain ever hopeful. And that's how it should be!

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