Thursday, March 21, 2013

Musings on Choosing.

     As I've mentioned before, when I "re-entered" the perfume realm I wasn't just looking for a fragrance that smelled good on me..... though thats obviously a real plus! I wanted ones that would work with me energetically. Just as one would use the color rays and/or musical notes for example. I want a fragrance that will act as an energetic talisman or amulet. One that will call in and hold a certain vibration and intent over a period of time.
   I'll inject my rant here: I soon realized that with store bought perfumes that was easier said than done! First hurdle was a rather upsetting fashion trend ~ lots of sweet fruit and notes like sugar cube and cotton candy. First response: Yuck!  Second response: What the HELL???  And it wasn't just at the five & dime level, there were some pricey high end frags that smelled like a candy store too. So what if the ingredients were of higher quality? Whether I'm paying twelve dollars or two hundred, I don't want to get cavities from my perfume!  Some of these could induce a diabetic coma, for crying out loud! I'm going to hazard a guess that these are at least partly in response to our youth obsessed society. Women, in particular, insecure about natural aging because of all the media images and hype.... looking for that magickal potion that will create an aura of youthfulness.   (I'll discuss the origins of the word 'glamour' in another post)
    And I usually give a fragrance three tries. I used to say always, but changed my mind after encountering a couple of perfumes that I will simple describe as "nasty as hell".
    OK, back to my original line of thought... When you're sampling fragrances you have quite a few things to consider in just the mundane physical sense. And it takes some time and experimentation. Samples are great because you can take them home and apply at least twice. Quick spritzes in-store will usually give you some idea of whether or not you actually want to persue further testing. First thing; does it match up with your body chemistry? Yeah, yeah, I know. I've heard that whole line about how it doesn't matter. Its bull crap. Body chemistry, skin Ph, hormones, you name it... they all affect how a fragrance will smell on YOUR SKIN. So will your diet. And the weather. Cold ~ hot. Dry ~ humid. And, oh yes, your MOOD. Some of which are hormonally induced, so.......there you go! Enough said.
    Then there are the ones that smell nice enough. People give you compliments when you wear it. But..... it just doesn't "do anything" for you! Or it feels really off balance somehow. Basically it means that the scent works with your skin, it just doesn't jibe with your energy bodies. Follow your instincts. Put it in the back of the wardrobe and plan on unearthing it sometime in the future or ditch it. Cautionary note: Time does change things. Might be you, might be the juice in the bottle. Might surprise you a few years down the road.   I'm just sayin'.
    These are just a few basic tips that I wanted to cover. I'm always finding out more things as I go along. What actually works and what definitely doesn't. Thats part of the fun! I'll be reaching back into my notebooks and bringing out some of my first "reviews". That ought to be funny! I had some pretty awful experiences along the way.  Oh! And another REALLY important tip ~ when you purchase or receive an older fragrance that hasn't been used.... spritz it outside, away from yourself, several times. Trust me on this!!!!! The liquid that is inside that little plastic tube can be truly foul! I know this from first hand experience. And I didn't figure out what was wrong the first couple of times. It can be bad... really, really BAD.

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